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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Purpose and Scope

Hello! At Archway Community Support, your privacy is super important to us. We want to make sure you understand how we handle your personal information when you use our services or check out our website. This policy is all about that—keeping you informed and protecting your privacy, which is in line with Australia’s privacy laws.

How We Collect Your Information

Directly from You:

When you sign up for our services, ask us a question, or contact us, we might ask for your name, contact details, and other information that is for registration only.

Through Our Website:

If you visit our website, we might collect info about how you use it, like which pages you visit most. This helps us make our site better for you.

What We Do with Your Information

To Help You Out:

We use your information to provide you with the services you requested, answer your questions, and ensure a great experience with us.

To Improve Our Services:

We look at how our services are used to understand what we’re doing well and what we can do better.

To Keep in Touch:

With your approval, we can send you updates or news about our services that you’ll like.



The purpose of this policy is to protect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients by ensuring the secure collection, storage, and sharing of their information. This is to safeguard our clients from exploitation and to comply with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Commission requirements for risk-assessed roles.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers of Archway Community Support who have access to client information.

Policy Details

Data Collection:

Only collect information that is directly relevant and necessary to provide services to our clients. We obtain explicit consent from clients before collecting their information, making sure they understand what information is being collected and why. We do not want to misguide our clients.

Data Storage:
  • We have Stored all client information securely using encrypted digital systems that meet national security standards.
  • Physical documents containing client information are kept in locked cabinets and are accessible only by authorised personnel.
Data Access:
  • Limit access to client information to only those staff members who need it to provide services or support to the client.
  • Implement strict authentication processes for accessing client data, including the use of strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
Sharing of Information:
  • We don’t share client information without explicit, informed consent from the client, except as required by law.
  • When sharing information with third parties (e.g., other service providers involved in the client’s care), we ensure that they adhere to similar privacy and data protection standards.
Training and Awareness:

Provide regular training to all staff on privacy, confidentiality, and secure data handling practices. Raise awareness about the risks of unintentional information sharing, especially through digital platforms and social media.

Risk of Unintentional Information Sharing:
  • Implement and enforce strict guidelines on the use of mobile and tablet devices, ensuring that any application used complies with our privacy standards.
  • Educate staff on the importance of respecting clients’ wishes regarding the sharing of their information with supporters or other third parties.
  • Recognise and respect cultural variations in information-sharing norms, ensuring staff are trained to navigate these sensitively.
Incident Management:

Establish a clear process for reporting and responding to privacy breaches or incidents, including potential unauthorised access or sharing of client data. Regularly review and update security measures and policies to address new risks or vulnerabilities.

Breaches of Privacy

Archway Community Support is required to disclose a data breach to the Office of Australian. Information Commissioner if the data contains personal information that is likely to result in “serious harm”, which includes any of the following: physical, psychological, financial, or reputational harm. Personal information is information about an identified individual or a reasonably identifiable individual. Any staff member who identifies a potential breach must immediately inform their line manager, who must report it to the director for further action.


Questions or concerns about privacy practices should be brought, in the first instance, to the attention of Archway Community Supports. Clients may directly email Archway Community Support at complaints@archwaycs.com.au

In investigating the complaint, Archway Community Supports may, where necessary, contact the person making the complaint to obtain more information. The client will be advised of the outcomes and actions arising from the investigation either in writing or in a face-to-face meeting.

If concerns cannot be resolved and the person wishes to proceed further with their complaint about how their personal information is managed, or if they believe Archway Community Support has breached an APP and/or IPP, they may send their concerns in writing to:

Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland:

Email: enquiries@oic.qld.gov.au

Phone: 1800 642 753

or through the online form available at: https://www.oic.qld.gov.au/about/privacy/report-privacy-breach. If you need to get in touch, we would love to help. Contact us now.

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